The Critters

Here's a couple of bucks for ya. But don't spend it all at once!

Here we have the girls looking for a dry spot to park their bottoms.
But that's an utter story.

Here is the grandma of goats..."Baby" Sniff...Sniff...Sniff Aaaahhh...fresh air!
Baby is our Swiss Alpine.

Here is Buck, our grandpa. Buck is his name fainting is his game. He's our Tennessee Fainting Goat.

These ducks always cheat when they play hide and seek.
You might have guessed, they are our Peeking Ducks!

This guy is always looking for his comb and can never find it. He's just gotta get more organized!

Meet the cast... Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel!

He tried his best to be all he could be and all he became was a lop.
Meet Bo-Hunk our Chinchilla Lop Eared Rabbit.

He's cute, he's colorful, he's regal, he's wonderful... He's our Pleasant, Pheasant-Pharoah!

Wanna goose from a Dulap Talouse Goose? This is Cher.

Our Muscovy, whose name is Homer. His only home run is when he nips you in your plate!

Remember Doc from "Back To The Future"? "Why is everything so heavy"?

The Mouse-cat-eers ... It's show time! Dinner anyone?

Could this be Laura from Little House? Nah! It's Mic the chic! Our daughter, Micaelina.

But dad, this coupe doesn't have any wheels!

Our brass section where all the birds hang out. It's winter and the leaves are all off our Trumpet Vine. ~ All Rights Reserved
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